
The Foundation is now accepting 2025 Applications. To see the application form and instruction sheet, click below. If you have any questions, please contact Emily Walker at [email protected] or 217-937-5202

WHHS Foundation Scholarship Application

WHHS Foundation Scholarship Instructions

Scholarships are awarded annually to students who are going into the medical field and meet the requirements for the scholarship. Monies donated throughout the year help support our Scholarship Program. The Scholarship Program was started in honor of Belinda Rittenhouse in 2012. Belinda was an employee of the hospital, aided the Foundation, and a member of the Ladies Auxiliary. When the Ladies Auxiliary ended, its monies were directed to the Foundation to start a scholarship program.

2021 Scholarship Winners

2021 Scholarship Winners
Drew Decker, Anna Mills, and Breanna Barger

2020 Scholarship Winners

2020 Scholarship Winners
Tess Cooper, Tori Burke, and Madison Filkin. Not pictured are Garrett Wayne and Emily Wade.

2019 Scholarship Winners

2019 Scholarship Winners

2019 Scholarship Winners

2019 Scholarship Winners

2018 Scholarship Winners

2018 Scholarship Winners
Sarah Gehres and Haley Steward

2018 Scholarship Winners

2017 Scholarship Winners
Haley Steward

2016 Scholarship Winners

2016 Scholarship Winners
Haley Steward & Morgan Love (Not pictured)

2015 Scholarship Winners
Morgan Love & Sarah Gehres

2014 Scholarship Winners

2014 Scholarship Winners
Hannah Miles & Morgan Love

2013 Scholarship Winners

2013 Scholarship Winners
Melissa Burger, Morgan Love, & Devon Severson

2012 Scholarship Winners

2012 Scholarship Winners
Jamie Covey, Devon Severson, & Elizabeth Gabel

In an effort to ensure patient safety and public trust, anyone can inquire about our staffing levels and staff competence by calling 217-935-9571 to make an appointment with the Chief Nursing Officer. All questions will be answered in accordance with the Illinois Hospital Report Card Act. This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer. Warner Hospital and Health Services complies with applicable Federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex.