At Warner Wellness Center, we strive to bring our community programs and services to every member of our community, helping everyone maintain or learn a healthy lifestyle.
418 W. South St.
Clinton, IL 61727
Parking is available in front of the Wellness Center or the Physical Therapy parking lot.
For more information about any of our programs, contact Kelly Burton at 217-937-5275 or email us at [email protected].
What are some of the programs offered through the Wellness Center?
The Warner Wellness Center includes a large selection of classes and programs designed to help enhance the health of our community. For more information on any of our great programs, please contact Kelly Burton at 217-937-5275 or email her at [email protected].
CPR Classes
Hands-on CPR classes for medical and non-medical personnel. These classes are typically four hours long.
Diabetes Education
Diabetic Lifestyle teaching for adults with diabetes. This is a six-week series with weekly two-hour sessions.
Diabetes Prevention Program
This program involves lifestyle teaching for adults with prediabetes. This is a year-long program that typically begins in February.
Tobacco Cessation Program
Lifestyle coaching for adults using tobacco products. This is a 7 week class that meets weekly for two hours.
Matter of Balance Class
Many older adults experience concerns about falling and consequently restrict their activities. Matter of Balance is an award-winning program designed to manage falls and increase activity levels. This program emphasizes practical strategies to manage falls. In this eight-week program, you will learn to view falls as controllable, set goals for increasing activity, make changes to reduce fall risks at home, and exercise to increase strength and balance.

Safe Sitter Class
This class is designed to prepare students in grades 6-8 to be safe when their parents decide that they are able to be home alone or in charge of other siblings. This class includes games, role-playing activities and basic CPR skills.
Caregiver Support Group
Held on the 2nd Monday of the month from 11-12. We focus on caregivers of individuals with a dementia related diagnosis; however, all caregivers are welcome.
Memory Cafe
This group meets on the 1st Monday of each month from 2:00-3:00 pm. This is a dementia friendly social gathering for caregivers and their loved ones with memory loss issues. Each cafe will provide an activity, educational discussions, coffee and snacks.
Naloxone Training
This is a 30 minute educational class providing information related to naloxone administration and distribution. Naloxone is the lifesaving medication that reverses the effects of an opioid overdose. Naloxone kits are provided to participants.
What are the recommended tests for overall wellness?
- Blood pressure — Checked at least every two years.
- Cholesterol checks — Every five years starting at age 45 for women and for men at 35. If you smoke or have diabetes or heart disease risk factors, start having your checks at age 20.
- Colorectal cancer tests — Beginning at age 50.
- Diabetes tests — Screen if you have high blood pressure or high cholesterol.
- Mammograms — Women should have one, every one to two years starting at age 40
- Osteoporosis tests — Women should have their first test at age 65. Women with risk factors should be tested under the age of 65.
- Pap smears — Women should have a pap smear done every one to three years if they are sexually active or older than 21.
- Prostate cancer screening — Yearly for men age 55-69.
- Sexually transmitted disease — Anyone who is sexually active.
Lung Cancer Screening Program
Warner Hospital & Health Services offers a lung cancer screening program. To qualify, you must meet the following criteria:
- Family Medicine patient
- Ages 55-70
- Have a history of smoking at least 30 packs a year
- Current smoker or have quit within the past 15 years
- Have additional lung cancer risk factors
- No active symptoms
What is the Swifty Swine 5K?
Warner Hospital & Health Services, in partnership with Warner Hospital Foundation, conducts an annual 5K during the last weekend of September at Weldon Springs State Park, coinciding with the Apple & Pork festival. Run or walk the 3.1-mile trail through the scenic Weldon Springs State Park. At the finish line, enjoy a one-of-a-kind, homemade finisher medal as well as delicious food (yogurt bar and bacon) to refuel your body. Top runners and walkers in the age categories will receive a pig trophy. We finish the event with our Piglet Prance for youngsters under 10.
Learn more about the Swifty Swine 5K here!
How can I get more information about wellness center programs?
Reach out to our Wellness Coordinator at 217-937-5275 or email us at [email protected].