Warner Hospital & Health Services is committed to quality care and superior customer service. Our staff will strive to make your hospital stay and/or visit as pleasant as possible. If you have any questions, please contact us at 217-935-9571.

Before you Arrive
When you arrive at the hospital, you will be asked to sign consent and release forms to authorize staff to provide services your physician has ordered for you. Please bring along any paperwork given to you by your doctor, copies of your advance directives, and any other information you would like to have placed in your medical record. Please also bring your insurance cards and identification card at this time. All information will be kept confidential.
Patient Access
Patient Access would like to make your visit a pleasant experience.
We offer pre-registration for dietary consult, radiology, MRI, CT scan, EKG, echocardiogram, pulmonary testing, surgery, and home sleep studies.
Self-Administered Medications
Under Medicare Part A (inpatient), drugs are covered when provided during acute inpatient stays if Medicare requirements are met. Under Medicare Part B (outpatient, Emergency Room, observation hospital stays), drug coverage is limited to drugs that are not usually self-administered.
During the course of outpatient treatment, you may be given medication Medicare considers self-administered. Medicare defines self-administered drugs as medications the patient could, in another setting, take him or herself.
Medications brought from home in their original pharmacy container, properly labeled and positively identified may be used with a physician order. If we are able to use your home medications, you will not receive a bill for these medications. So when coming to the hospital for outpatient admission, to see a physician, receive outpatient services or use the Emergency Room, always try to bring any medication (in its original pharmacy container) you have been taking.
In order to remain compliant with Medicare regulations related to the billing of these drugs, the hospital is required to submit these self-administered drugs as non-covered items on our billing to Medicare. You will receive a bill from the hospital following payment of our claim by Medicare. In addition to any deductible and co-insurance due, this bill will reflect the charges for unpaid self-administered drugs.
If you have questions, you may call our Patient Financial Services:217-935-9571 ext. 3211. If you would like additional information about your coverage by Medicare, you can call:1-800-MEDICARE (1-800-633-4227)or visit www.medicare.gov to get help with your Medicare questions.
Patient Rights & Responsibilities
We want to treat all our patients with dignity. This is very important to us. We focus on the needs of each patient within the means of Warner Hospital & Health Services. We give considerate and respectful care to our patients. We follow the Warner Hospital & Health Services Mission and the law. We are committed to honoring your rights as a patient. We want you to be an active partner in your care so you can help us meet your needs. That is why we ask you to share in some responsibilities. Your rights and responsibilities are explained in this brochure.
Notice of Privacy Practices
This notice describes how medical information about you may be used and disclosed and how you can get access to this information. Please review it carefully.
We are required by law to maintain the privacy of your health information and to provide you with a Notice of our legal duties and privacy practices with respect to your health information. If you have questions about any part of our Notice or if you want more information about our privacy practices, please contact our Privacy Officer at the address or telephone number at the end of this notice.
Please select from the options below.
Visitor Information
Language Interpreters
Warner Hospital & Health Services will make every attempt to provide necessary communication resources to patients with language or communication barriers in order to afford such persons an equal opportunity to make informed decisions about their health care. Please notify your nurse for assistance.
Pastoral Services
Spiritual Health is one of many facets to your healthcare, which is why we provide a reflection room for you to use.
When is the reflection room open?
24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
What if I need further guidance?
If you need spiritual guidance, please let our staff know and we will contact your chaplain for you.
Where is the reflection room located?
The hospital’s reflection room is located on the second floor near the surgery department.
Social Services
Social Services work with a variety of organizations and individuals to provide information at discharge to our patients. Social Services provide assistance with the Medicare Swing Bed Program, nursing home placement, Home Health, Advanced Directives, and Lifeline.
Visiting Hours
Patient care is our primary concern at Warner Hospital & Health Services. Family members and friends are welcome to visit after routine morning care has been provided. Please ask nursing personnel about visiting patients in our Intensive Care and the Emergency Department. Family members accompanying patients undergoing surgery are asked to wait in the patient’s room or the second floor waiting area.
At 5:00 p.m., the front doors of the Registration area are locked. To enter or leave the hospital after 5:00 p.m., visitors must use the Emergency Department entrance on the northwest side.
Children must be accompanied by an adult at all times.
- Visitors with colds, sore throats or any other illnesses please do not visit any
patient care unit. - Visitors in semi-private rooms should be considerate of both patients.
- Visits should be kept short.
- Visitors should maintain a quiet environment and avoid unnecessary noise.
- Visitors must wear a shirt and shoes.
- Visitors may be asked to leave during tests or treatment or when the doctor or nurse needs to see the
Contact A Patient
The hospital telephone number is (217) 935-9571. Family and friends may call directly to patient rooms by dialing 935-9571, then 2 + the patient room number.
To make a local outside call, dial 9 + the number.
To make a long-distance call, dial 9 and then follow the instructions on your calling card.
You may also dial 9 + 0 to reach a long-distance operator who can bill the call to your home phone or credit card. Long distance calls may not be billed to your room.