Your wellness journey isn’t one you must walk alone. Searching for health tips and instructions online can sometimes provide valuable insights, but in many cases, having a community of caring individuals providing hands-on instruction can make a profound difference. Of course, access to this support is crucial — at Warner Hospital, we’re proud to provide a valuable resource for residents to take care of themselves and their loved ones through educational courses and special events with the Warner Wellness Center.
What Is the Warner Wellness Center?
Designed to promote healthy lifestyles and educate residents of DeWitt County on healthier habits, the Warner Wellness Center provides numerous classes, programs and workshops that are open to the public. The Wellness Center features multiple week-long programs that help improve the quality of life for all residents, from managing chronic illnesses to teaching valuable skills such as managing one’s finances or even saving a life.
Classes and workshops available at the wellness center include:
- CPR Classes — Two-hour, hands-only courses designed for non-medical personnel.
- Diabetes Education — Six-week series with weekly, two-hour sessions with lifestyle tips for adults living with diabetes.
- Financial Wellness Workshops — Teaches strategies for managing personal wealth, including an introduction to home buying, credit scores, credit and debit cards, and investments.
- First Aid Workshops — Teaches valuable first aid skills for non-medical personnel like farmers and Scouts.
- Healthy Living Class — Based on scientifically proven plans for healthy aging, this yearlong program is led by a certified health coach and teaches ways to lead a happier, healthier life.
- Lung Cancer Screening — Detection program for qualifying individuals who are at risk of developing lung cancer.
- Matter of Balance Class — Eight-week program that teaches ways to control and mitigate the risk of falls, including setting goals for increased activity, identifying fall risks in the home and learning new exercises to improve strength and balance.
- Prevent T2 Class — Yearlong program for those at risk of type 2 diabetes that teaches healthy eating habits, fun exercises, stress management strategies and relaxation techniques.
- Safe Sitter Course — Designed for students from sixth to eighth grades, these instructor-led, six-hour courses include fun games and role-playing exercises to teach adolescents to babysit or watch younger siblings.
- Smoking Cessation Classes — Seven-week program with a trained facilitator in which smokers will set a quit date, build a plan to quit and work through the first few smoke-free months with guidance and support.
Additionally, the Wellness Center hosts special events designed to get residents up and moving around the community. The Couch to 5K program, in conjunction with the Clinton Community YMCA, is free to all with prizes offered throughout, including free or discounted 5Ks for anyone sticking with the program. The Wellness Center also sponsors the Swifty Swine 5K during the last weekend of September at Weldon Springs State Park with top runners and walkers in each age category receiving a pig trophy.
Ready to lead a healthier lifestyle? Find a program for you at the Wellness Center — to sign up, call 217-937-5275 or contact [email protected].