Better Breathing
If you need testing, monitoring or treatment, stay close to home and see our skilled and caring staff.
What respiratory therapy services does the Respiratory Clinic offer?
We perform Pulmonary Function Studies, including:
- Lung volumes
- Lung diffusion
- Minute volume ventilation
- Spirometry
- Methacholine challenge
- Oximeter walks

What cardiology services does the Respiratory Clinic offer?
- We perform testing including stress tests (nuclear, pharmacologic and regular).
- Holter monitors
- EKGs
What hours is the Respiratory Clinic open?
We are available seven days a week from 6:30 a.m.-7 p.m.
What if I have questions for the Respiratory Clinic?
If you have any questions, please call the Respiratory Department at 217-935-9571, ext. 3222.